Ever notice how everyone loves Zappa but no one ever actually plays any of his records. I don't mean to get you all up in arms about this as I know you love Zappa, but for reals who actually listens to his albums on a regular basis.
Don't get mad at me, I love Hot Rats.
You know what? I'm sorry I even brought it up. Just look at the photo.
Hot Rats was my first album that I was ever allowed to buy with my own money. Wore that sucka out!
Sheik Yerbouti - regular time in the mix
Every hippster knows "Hot Rats". Why don't you get some less mainstream Zappa and put it next to your Captain Beefheart records you're never gonna listen to! -jbl
"Every hippster knows "Hot Rats". Why don't you get some less mainstream Zappa and put it next to your Captain Beefheart records you're never gonna listen to! -jbl"
-HA HA HA!! too true!
I listen to Zappa all the time, Roxy rules, in fact of the 100 or more albums there is always something that blows my mind. Suck it!
you've crossed the line buddy.
quit fronting, it ain't like any of yous got Apostrophe on heavy rotation.
You like Zappa, I like Zappa, we all fucking like Zappa. But be honest with yourself, whens the last time you were chilling by yourself and you listened to a whole album?
What I'm getting at is that the idea of Frank seems to have become a greater part of pop culture than the music itself.
Zappa would tell you himself, bless his corpse, that the fault lies entirely with him making music that was too palatable.
Son of Green Jeans = Hot Rats FTL.
been listening to sheik yerbouti and overnight sensation since I was too young to realize how inappropriate it was. still have his portrait (was my dad's) hanging in my garage.
this image against ZFT was made by http://www.facebook.com/zappainfrance
thx by advance to credit your sources !
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