So the race turned into a group ride. It was a perfect Minnesota winter day for a death march. 16 folks showed up, most on cross bikes, a few mountain, 2 Pugs, and Andy Larson of Trash Bags brought the thunder on his winter mess bike with 700X23's geared at 48X16.
All morning I was debating whether or not to ride my cross bike or the Pugsley. The night previous I had been out on both and the skinnier tires were definitely hooking up better, but you figure if you want to play it safe, you roll with the Pug. So I did.
Turned out to be a huge mistake, the skinny tire guys and particularly Andy, fucking killed us. Not even close. They were able to cut through the snow to the hardpack underneath while I was wrestling with a polar bear trying to keep upright. Just spinning though fresh, trying to keep the upper body as still as possible.
The slow nature of the pace didn't matter though cause it was a ton of fun. We ended up only riding to the Cedar Bridge, then crossing the closed ped bridge back to Bloomington. We likely could have pushed the other side to Lucky's but for most of us that particular type of winter tired that overcomes your whole body after you've been sledding all day when you're 10 years old had set in.
first beer stop
the Nature Boy was there
Andy's well used Schwinn Prologue
2nd beer stop
at the old Cedar pedestrian bridge
The winter is a bitch mistress, but adapting and getting out there and having a blast regardless of what the weather does is a very satisfying endeavor.
This is what lends us our unique character.
Fuck The Weather
Good Times, Great Oldies. That was a sick day, Jeff. Thanks for throwing it together. We got "lost" on the ride home, but crashed a dinner party in So.Mpls for some bacon-wrapped shrimp, brisket, and pork loin for the win.
I'm thinking of trying this ride with some buddies. Where exactly does the low road start? Also, if we're on MTBs and fixies, should we wait a few days after a fresh snowfall until it gets hardpacked?
thanks (winter rookie)
I always put into the low road off of American Boulevard. you go past the Holiday in and the trail entrance is on your right.
The bike thing is wide open, totally depends on conditions and traffic. Afraid I can't give much advice on that.
Grueling but grinning all the way. Sweetassed ride, Jeff! And the portobello mushroom burger at Buster's washed down with a Bell's Double Cream Stout rounded out the night perfectly.
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