You see, normally it'd be a water bottle holder, but it's not. It's for a flask, because you know, I want you to think that I drink. Get it?
A real drinker (someone who can hold their shit) has no need to be showy about it, and they understand that flasks go in your back pocket.
The only reason to have one mounted on your bike is to impress others and the only thing it will get you is your whiskey drank up by people who aren't you.
So stupid. Take your Fox jersey and your flask holder and fuck off someplace.
fucking hilarious!
I have a Fargo so I have SIX of these fuckers on the frame and fork alone.
hey man, no need to drag the homey into this.
fuck yeah! Thanks for pointing this out.
SO I guess I'm gonna stop riding around with Baked Beans in my bottle cages. I just wanted to meet other people like me.
Whoa where are the positive vibrations man?
Knock it off? I thought this was the next OTS All City project.
As long as they're cute I don't give a shit if they drink my booze. Really. Flasks in your pocket, fail.
Hear Hear...
I'll drink to that.
words of wisdom
This "column" has some potential.
is this really worth letting everybody know about? who cares.
I have a flask holder on my snowbike and...I might even have a fox jersey! I own that $hit...
Your version of Amerika is stupid
Personally, I found this post to be HILARIOUS. And Mark's baked beans comment too. Sounds like there's a lot of self-conscious flask riders out there. Keep up the good work. I love this blog because of it's real opinions and original content B^|.
Yes, my favorite temperature for whiskey is 100 degrees after I've been riding around with it in my back pocket all day.
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