Option 1: Moustache Skull
the classic Moustache Skull Bike Jerks logo drawn by our friend Reid III
Option 2: Mooneyes
a stony take on the classic hot rod Mooneyes logo from Moon auto parts
Option 3: FEEDING Skull
newest Bike Jerks skull logo done by the gents over at FEEDING. it's super badass but is it so badass that it becomes silly?
The logos on the kits are a few of my friends companies, Velocity USA, Trash Messenger Bags, Portland Design Works, and Twin Six. None of the companies are trading anything for being on the jersey (though Twin Six has been kind enough to facilitate this happening), but I've always wanted to have a kit with my friends logos on them, plus this way they'll have to buy some.
I'm super pumped to make this happen.
What do you think about the options?
Option 3: FEEDING Skull, FTW
I'd have to agree with iggy, Feeding Skull.
Feeding Skull, for sure.
I agree with anonymous, i like the 'stashed skull and the feeding skull.
#1 by far, shows the classic style and original design of Bike Jerks
Feeding Skull.
Pretty sweet Jeff,, and great to hear the T6 crew is helping out..
Feeding Skull definitly
I'm down with all three. I particularly dig the text on the FEEDING one. I also dig the first one. If I had to rank em, it goes 3, 1, 2.
I'm partial to Option 1, then feeding skull.
Moustache skull. Feeding skull is kinda wack imo, sorry.
I REPEAT make the STONEY MOONEYES kit!! pleeeeease or at least make ALL three every 3 months or something goddamnn Im loving this Bike Jerks stoney Mooneyes flip.
I will buy
WTH I just noticed everybodys comments and choices!! goddamnn they probably dont digg the MOON I lovvve their logo. classic.
you should REALLY do the MOONEYES logo how it is but yellow and red bloodshot eyes.
drop out of life with bong in handlp
Really digging option 1.
Option 1 without a doubt
Keep it OG, the mustache skull is where it started. Thats the one! Its a traditional design which never gets old. The feeding skull will eventually be outdated but the mustache skull will last forever!
stash skull or feeding
The bike jerks script on the mustache skull pushes that one over the edge. Although I do like the stoney Mooneyes. It should piss off some hot rodders...
moon eyes for sure. skulls are on everything. snore.
Mustache skull first, and I like that font better. Feeding close second. I don't really get the eyes, and it sounds like you'll only have one super stoked/stoned customer by the commends thus far, so my uninformed opinion says drop that whack shit from the list of options!
Stache skull
stoney eyes, plz. you are doing small kits right?
bike clothes should be more metal. feeding skull all the way
stash skull for sure.
pretty sure that the feeding skull is on every damn generic metal shirt ive ever seen(which should NOT be a selling point). keep it OG! 'stache skull please. will there be matching caps?
mustache skulllll
DEFINITELY moustache.
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