While out and about on Saturday I stopped by Freewheel and grabbed some shots of Stephen's Cappy. According to the owner, this quintessential example was the last Capricorn to be built in Minneapolis before Brad relocated to Bend Oregon.
Everything about it from the geo, to the rando style, details, and paint color are classic Capricorn and perfectly sum up Brad's approach and predilections toward frame building.
Stephen's Capricorn Randonneur
check the nice detail on the hanger and fender/rack mounts
gorgeous half-lug on the downtube
A beautiful frameset with all the right parts = a stunning build.
Nice work Brad and Stephen.
Such a gorgeous bike. Always have loved Brad's work, but this one is a stellar example.
The coolest part are the 650b's! Wave of the future.
cool bike, but it's unfortunate how the powdercoat fucks up the lug lines
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