The Unicanitor was the first plastic bodied saddle in manufacture (1962) and as such is the great grand daddy of modern lightweight racing saddles.
Looking at this saddle the first thing a person might think is, "didn't that stupid plastic BMX saddle trend die at least two years ago?" and of course the answer is yes. However this saddle was designed for folks to actually sit on for long periods of time and as such should be significantly less stupid, and there are tons of bike geeks with fond memories of the originals who are hella pumped for these to drop in mad colorways, yo!
Myself, well, I'm a bit skeptical that riding a plastic shell is going to be comfortable. In fact my ass hurts just looking at it. However in the name of science I plan on giving it a go and seeing if all that excitement surrounding it's re emergence is just more bike geek jerking off, or if the Unicanitor (at least in re-issue form) is worthy of the high regard that people seem to hold it in.
They shouldn't cost much more than a wiffleball bat.
A Ti railed version should retail for around the price of a wrist rocket. (based upon the cost of materials and manufacturing techniques.)
honestly, i always liked the plastic bmx seats more just for weather resistance. instead of an ugly shopping bag or an overpriced cinched nylon cover for your brooks, just swipe off that shit with your sleeve and hop on.
I've got 1 on my '92 gazelle and have been breaking it in 4 the last few weeks. a 2hr hard ride yesterday and no prob, it was dead smooth. it feels a bit like my Ti flite. the best thing no hoodrat is gonna steal it.
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