ex.a - evidence. The camera can only take a small picture of the out of control behemoth consisting of nearly a thousand metal cd's not to mention cassettes and vinyl.
First thing I do is open 3 windows. One for ENCYCLOPEDIA METALLUM. If you've never used this site, prepare to lose hours and days of your life. Whoever the dudes are who do this should be knighted. On the left you type in your band, etc. Let's try DUSK. You'll see there are a few. How about the Hungarian DUSK, no. 17. There you'll see the other bands they play in (all superb) with hyper links, discographies, lyrics, and sometimes links to sites where you can give a listen. So so awesome.
Next window usually has one of a couple of distros I am very loyal to. I'll check and see what's new.
Here are my top three -
My friend Rob runs this excellent distro out of Ohio. Perfect fast service always expertly packed. Great prices and an ear for some of the better bands I've heard. Send him your money.
HHR has everything. Seriously. Another consistent performer for fast service and expert packing. Unbelievably great label releases and almost always a source for the ultra ultra limited things that make metal heads do stuff like this -
The third site I always look at is NUCLEAR WAR NOW
As my friend Craiggles McShithead, Fun Machine Esq. can attest, every single release that this label puts out is stellar (Craig has every one). You have to stay on top of this one because the hot stuff can go fast.
Other great distros -
Third window has my open document to cut and paste in my wish list. It's easier to add to the "order now" page when you are all done or out of money. Then I submitt the order and have it shipped to the bike shop so all the C.H.U.D.s in my neighborhood don't sweat my sweet gear.
All this information is useless unless you crave the riffs, but if it gets any of you shredders to spend some bucks supporting these distros that are representative of the commitment to metal and the underground that these distro owners are a part of, then all the better. I know I lead a richer and fuller life because of the work of these metal maniacs. Thanks dudes.
I could just eat you up. (too cute)
HHR is incredible, of course. I have the Ghostrider demo (on 10") and the VOOR demo (on cassette) coming in the mail as I type. That is astonishing in itself. I should point out though that that particular MH record was a trade from my pal Rado in the Slovak Republic, not from HHR. Pre-Osmose Czech press. Took me ten years to obtain that motherfucker.
FUCK, I didn't see they got that GHOSTRIDER demo in! I'm on it. If it's half as good as the NECRODEATH demo, I'll be plenty happy.
Somewhat unrelated: You guys need to check out the W.A.I.L. LP if you haven't. I meant to play it when you were up here. Mark, I'll bring it to Vilas. You'll shit.
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