Before tonight I only knew how to upload them directly to the website one file at a time, So I'm super stoked now to know how to do it on Flickr. (that's how awesome at the internet I am) I also updated the photo page to reflect these new editions.
The two new galleries
Bike Life Vol.4
(I know it's a very "ungh" and self indulgent title, but I've never been able to come up with a better name)
this one was actually shot by Kevvy, but I love it, so I'm including it. That was the only skid in Bootleg 3
(miss u skids)
Bike Life Vol. 4 Full Set
I am also proud to bring you our own Linda Sue Amundson's (remember this kid? That's her and the Don's progeny and he's a lifer from the cradle to the grave) portraits from this years ACC's.
ACC 5 Portraits
Full Set ACC 5 Portraits
If you get a chance I encourage you to check out both sets
so im not trying to be vain or any thing, but whats with some ppl getting two photos and mine not making the cut?
I can't figure out why the simple viewer gallery is only showing 50 images ,there are 94 in the set on flickr.
It seems that my tags are correct, so I don't know what the deal is
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