(I just wiggle my toes on the mink rug, press play on remote at the players club)
Because they're reusable like a billion times and stay in place like whoa.
I'm always scrounging around for rim strips and it's a pain in the ass to pull off an adhesive cloth rim strip and then try to reuse it (they always shrink). With these it's no muss, no fuss. Pretty much an infinite life span.
My favorites are the Deda or Vittoria ones. And no I'm not talking about some of those goofy ass plastic tubeless mtb stuff, just the ones that are designed to do the same job as the Velox's.
Until they get old, curl inward and pop tube after tube...
that one pictured has been ridden for 5 years with no aging at all.
how long did yours last and under what conditions?
Maybe 3 years? some year round riding but mostly xc. I will give you that the nicer Deda an Vitoria (especially) will likely fair better than other cheaper shits.
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