Went scouting possible locations for a Bandit Cross outlaw one cog cyclocross series this fall. Meant to make it happen last year, but slept on it. I've got three race courses lined up for this year already. Two are traditional cross races, the third is a rally down the low road to sibley house gravel trail. Be on the lookout for it.
I'll likely throw a small event to work out the kinks before the series hits full on. The plan is to throw the races on days when the proper races are out of town.
Basically, I'd like to start racing cross but paying $45 to race for 30 minutes seems like total B.S. to me. I don't begrudge the organizers for hopefully making some money or covering their costs, but $45 for a single day license plus entry creates a substantial barrier for most folks.
I'm sure all the cross guys are thinking "what the fuck do you know about throwing a cross race." And it's true, I don't know shit about it, but that's the whole point. To create a forum for beginners and folks who just want to go out and ride hard against their buddies to learn, have fun, and not take themselves so seriously.
In pursuit of this I've lined up some cross vets to help me along in the process.
It's going to be a single speed affair, because throwing single speed in the title of the event lets people know the general vibe. And I'm hoping that there'll be a sea of old conversion Raleighs out there with cross tires. Get a jalopy and let's get at it. Ride fixed or ride single.
On another note,
today I woke up late, hung out at Josh's, ate lunch on a patio and in between ordering and eating popped into a record store to make some purchases, rode some trails, had a random beer at a friend's house on the way home, etc. etc.
What I'm getting at is that it's amazing to be back home in Minneapolis, where we are privileged to enjoy an absurdly high quality of living.
SSCX... That's exactly why I haven't raced. And I'm not even a kid.
Though I've never raced 'cross, I am into this idea.
I'm down! $30/race is steep for a Cat4 back of the pack'er.
It's true, we are priviledged here in minneapolis with our absurdly high quality of living. I feel very lucky.
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