Seven or eight years back when I was going to school in Eau Claire I was also managing a chain of head shops (who'd have guessed). One of our stores was in La Crosse and across the street was Three Rivers Outdoors.
I became friends with my man Remo and started climbing with him and occasionally the other staffers, one of whom was Craig Etheridge. I remember hearing that he left town to go to Seattle to become a bike messenger.
So now I'm super stoked that the reigning messenger world champ is a 'Sconnie boy.
It also made me recall that I'd seen the name before in an old Cranked mag (any of you still remember Cranked mag? For me it was the first magazine that ever published one of my photos, and I miss it), the photo of the dude riding cross on a Milwaukee caught my eye.
So anyway, Wisconsin, Fuck Yeah! And if any of you out there have any contact with this dude, tell him to hit me up at
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