via AC Blog
September 30, 2010
September 29, 2010
Bandit Cross Race #1: Hobo Cramp Update
Support and excitement is building. Things are getting more awesome. Folks are starting to come out of the woodwork and are letting me know that they're down this weekend. I really feel that this city is due for some grassroots cyclocross racing and that it has a ton of potential. There are a number of people in the bike scene who have been wanting and talking about organizing something like this, and I'm hoping that they will convert that want into throwing a leg of the series.
It's my ultimate aim that this will become a multi race a month series of events extending throughout October, November, and December, that will encompass all of the aspects of skinnier tire offroading.
For example, low road to sibley house to dog park would be sick. And Trevor and I have done a bunch of talking over the years about the possibility of finding a super gnarly course through a jungle of woods and muddy hills in a throwback early 1900's adventure style race.
trite and overly romantic? maybe. actually doing it? awesome for sure
The clinic is also on.
Cyclocross Clinic: Basic Skills -mounts & dismounts
Member of HUP United, and master of the hairstyle known as "high & tight," David Cory has agreed to teach the clinic before the race. Please show up by 4:15 if you plan on getting instruction. And don't feel silly if you're worried about needing instruction, I need it too. I have no idea the technique for fast dismount-carry-mount.
Holly Magner of Grovecraft will also be on hand selling handmade winter and summer caps. Holly's winter recycled wool hat is a must for temps in the low 50's to the high 20's. I will also have some merch on hand if you're on the make.
In fact I encourage anyone out there who makes anything bike related to hang out and setup a blanket
Spectators encouraged and needed to help with handups and cowbell.
I am also looking for a volunteer to keep track of the lap count, in addition to needing help working on the woods section of the course (if there is to be a woods section). Hobo Camp has some good little rollers and fun singletrack, but it is currently way overgrown and unrideable. I plan on clearing a path to the left of the old trials area and heading towards an exit near the railroad tracks. This is the only section of woods that a crew can make passable in a few hours time and it's inclusion will greatly increase the amount of fun had.
I figure a few weekends of racing and some trail work, and you could have an amazing woods section that will put the laptimes at around 5 minutes and be a ton of fun. Like anything, the success of grassroots cross racing depends squarely on community support.
I think affordable, fun, and non-serious grassroots cyclocross is just what we need around here. If you agree. Lend a hand and let's get it done.
Somebody bring a weed wacker or similar implement, yo!
I also am in need of a traffic cone for the turnaround up on the gravel hill.
See you at two.
bring a lot of movement clothes aka jazz shoes, dance belts, lycras, et al. And seriously, fyi you guys, this is not an excuse to get out of your normal activities. This is an excuse to do some good musical theatre. So be prepared, be enthusiastic, and keep your bullshit attitude and baggage at the door because we don't need it
I am in need of design help.
I used that for a title, but I bet you knew that already
Track or Treat will be Oct 29th this year and I need to start getting a flyer together.
Because I am not a great graphic designer I'd thought I'd see if any of the readers would be interested in creating one.
Here are a few of the previous posters:

This one was made from a hand-drawn birthday card that B.Ridget's dad (and former Spoke of Luck bikeshop owner) Tom Bailey bestowed upon me.
I love Tom's illustrations and drawings, he has a very distinctive style.
He also originally created the bike dude from the Tom shirt as a t-shirt for Spoke of Luck in the 70's. We found and used the original transparency, on which he had placed cutout wheels then hand drew the rider using marker, to create the screen I use today.
The Tom, modeled here by family member Stoned Tone
I know there are other Stoned Tones in the world,
this one is ours

this has always been one of my favorites, but few people seem to notice it in the collection
The next year's flyer was done by our friend and local trackie, Chris Verbick.

And last year I reused the first year pumpkin guy graphic because I'm hopeless, and B.Ridge didn't want to help out.
I'd like to do better this year.
So if any of you out there care to help me out with a flyer, please let me know.
It just needs to get done.
I'm also thinking about changing the name of the race, because when I first came up with the name, I thought I was the smartest man in the world (fucking lazer). That first year I learned of one other alleycat, in South Carolina or something, that used the same name. This year I know of at least four others. If I'm going to get this thing to stick I'm thinking maybe a more original title is in order.
I'm thinking of something along the lines of Satan Birthday Devil Race. But maybe include the fact that it's fixed specific. But don't say fixed, because that would sound dumb.
And while we're on the subject of graphic design, if any of you are sitting on any killer shirt ideas/designs hit me up. Its the plan to get off my ass this fall/winter and start bumping new designs on the often.
(if any of you design kids want to pad your resume with an "internship"...)
I am also in need of a blog that showcases photos better and to integrate it into the main bike jerks website.
That last part seemed a little needy, but we all know that there are plenty of talented bored or unemployed people who ride bikes and have design or web backgrounds.
Track or Treat will be Oct 29th this year and I need to start getting a flyer together.
Because I am not a great graphic designer I'd thought I'd see if any of the readers would be interested in creating one.
Here are a few of the previous posters:
This one was made from a hand-drawn birthday card that B.Ridget's dad (and former Spoke of Luck bikeshop owner) Tom Bailey bestowed upon me.
I love Tom's illustrations and drawings, he has a very distinctive style.
He also originally created the bike dude from the Tom shirt as a t-shirt for Spoke of Luck in the 70's. We found and used the original transparency, on which he had placed cutout wheels then hand drew the rider using marker, to create the screen I use today.
The Tom, modeled here by family member Stoned Tone
I know there are other Stoned Tones in the world,
this one is ours
this has always been one of my favorites, but few people seem to notice it in the collection
The next year's flyer was done by our friend and local trackie, Chris Verbick.
And last year I reused the first year pumpkin guy graphic because I'm hopeless, and B.Ridge didn't want to help out.
I'd like to do better this year.
So if any of you out there care to help me out with a flyer, please let me know.
It just needs to get done.
I'm also thinking about changing the name of the race, because when I first came up with the name, I thought I was the smartest man in the world (fucking lazer). That first year I learned of one other alleycat, in South Carolina or something, that used the same name. This year I know of at least four others. If I'm going to get this thing to stick I'm thinking maybe a more original title is in order.
I'm thinking of something along the lines of Satan Birthday Devil Race. But maybe include the fact that it's fixed specific. But don't say fixed, because that would sound dumb.
And while we're on the subject of graphic design, if any of you are sitting on any killer shirt ideas/designs hit me up. Its the plan to get off my ass this fall/winter and start bumping new designs on the often.
(if any of you design kids want to pad your resume with an "internship"...)
I am also in need of a blog that showcases photos better and to integrate it into the main bike jerks website.
That last part seemed a little needy, but we all know that there are plenty of talented bored or unemployed people who ride bikes and have design or web backgrounds.
Sweet Fixie Brahh!
one of the best pieces of Interbike swag I took home was this can coozie from our friends at Affinity

September 28, 2010
Saw Frank Zappa...
on Miami Vice tonight

As you might imagine it was totally sweet, and he referred to cocaine as "weasel dust"
As you might imagine it was totally sweet, and he referred to cocaine as "weasel dust"
Bandit Cross SSCX Race #1 This Saturday - MPLS
This Saturday will be the first race of the fall 2010 Bandit Cross Outlaw SSCX Race Series.
Race #1 Hobo Camp
Sat 10/2
Meet at 5pm at Hobo Camp
next to spiral ped bridge in Bryn Mawr Meadows
(cedar lake trail / basset creek trail)
Spectators and bevvies encouraged
(cowbells and beer handups)
At 4:30pm there will be a cyclocross clinic teaching racers how to dismount, carry, and remount.
There will also be a trail work session starting at 2pm at Hobo Camp to get the course ready. If you can help out please bring trail tools (machete, rakes, etc.) and meet us. A little work will go a long way towards making the course more fun and safer.
This is a fun race for anyone who's interested in cyclocross. Expect a 40 minute race with A and B classes if enough folks show up. We'll work hard, race hard, and celebrate.
The flyer says single speed but every bike is welcome. If you ride fixed though, I will be requiring a brake as you're going to need it and no one wants to be taken out by you.
If you have any, I am searching for some more barriers and cones to mark the course.
I don't recommend bringing your cross tubulars, the course is kind of ghetto.
Course consists of pavement, gravel, dirt, and grass.
more details to come. Hope to see you there.
If you have a blog, or post on any of the forums (Morc, etc) please spread the word to the legit racing community. It is my goal to create a fun and positive atmosphere where both newcomers and vets can come out, ride hard, and enjoy the spirit of community that comes after turning yourself inside out for 40 minutes with your homies.
September 27, 2010
Sweathogs Stick Together
for all the philly, NYC, and texas peeps

B.ridget brought this set back from the U.P.. I'm totally going to make a screen out of the headshots postcard and do some shirts.
B.ridget brought this set back from the U.P.. I'm totally going to make a screen out of the headshots postcard and do some shirts.
BMX Video Monday
Eclat Summer 2010 Promo from Eclat BMX on Vimeo.
TEAM CHOCOLATE CHIP from Dan Dwyre on Vimeo.
and here's this video featuring our buddy Hern, it's awesomeness has been on my mind since seeing him at IB last week
Bridging the Gap Vol.1 from Joseph Lobato on Vimeo.
September 26, 2010
Went scouting possible locations for a Bandit Cross outlaw one cog cyclocross series this fall. Meant to make it happen last year, but slept on it. I've got three race courses lined up for this year already. Two are traditional cross races, the third is a rally down the low road to sibley house gravel trail. Be on the lookout for it.
I'll likely throw a small event to work out the kinks before the series hits full on. The plan is to throw the races on days when the proper races are out of town.
Basically, I'd like to start racing cross but paying $45 to race for 30 minutes seems like total B.S. to me. I don't begrudge the organizers for hopefully making some money or covering their costs, but $45 for a single day license plus entry creates a substantial barrier for most folks.
I'm sure all the cross guys are thinking "what the fuck do you know about throwing a cross race." And it's true, I don't know shit about it, but that's the whole point. To create a forum for beginners and folks who just want to go out and ride hard against their buddies to learn, have fun, and not take themselves so seriously.
In pursuit of this I've lined up some cross vets to help me along in the process.
It's going to be a single speed affair, because throwing single speed in the title of the event lets people know the general vibe. And I'm hoping that there'll be a sea of old conversion Raleighs out there with cross tires. Get a jalopy and let's get at it. Ride fixed or ride single.
On another note,
today I woke up late, hung out at Josh's, ate lunch on a patio and in between ordering and eating popped into a record store to make some purchases, rode some trails, had a random beer at a friend's house on the way home, etc. etc.
What I'm getting at is that it's amazing to be back home in Minneapolis, where we are privileged to enjoy an absurdly high quality of living.
September 25, 2010
September 23, 2010
Team Issue Curt Goodrich Cross Bike
Stopped by One on One and saw this gorgeous Team Issue Goodrich

nice detail

For those of you who may not be aware of who Curt Goodrich is, he's based out of MPLS, and is one of the most distinguished frame builders going.
Check out his pedigree
I began my apprenticeship building bicycles in 1995 under the watchful eye of Dan Wynn in Seattle. I’d always loved craftsmanship and for a year paid my dues filing, sanding fillets, machining and aligning frames and forks. I was acquiring crucial skills, working hard, and learning by the day. When Matt Houle at the well-established R&E Cycles shop offered me a job, I spent two years TIG-welding and further evolving my skills, though my heart still lay in traditional lugged construction. When I’d heard that Tim Isaac was setting up match bicycle company as a high-end production shop and that our first project would be to build Schwinn Paramounts, I was third to be hired. I had the good fortune to be working with Kirk Pacenti, whose contributions to lug design are now well-known, Steve Hampsten who moved onto his own company with Hampsten Cycles and Cycles Tournesol, and Mark Bulgier, Dan Swanson, and Martin Tweedy, and others. Two years after the Paramount project began, Grant Petersen of Rivendell Bicycle Works approached match bicycles to relieve Rivendell’s long backlog of frame orders. For the next year I built Rivendell frames while Martin Tweedy built forks. But change was in the works: match was closing shop. Ben Serotta, founder of Serotta Competition Bicyles, offered me a position building steel and titanium primarily in TIG-construction and it was then I realized how I felt about building lugged steel designs. I declined Serotta’s generous offer and shortly afterwards Grant Petersen offered me the opportunity to continue building custom Rivendells. I moved my family to Minneapolis to establish my own frame shop and from 2000 until 2007 I built custom lugged steel frames for Rivendell and, when asked privately, the occasional Goodrich frame.
Orders for Goodrich bicycles evolved past my abilities to continue building for Rivendell —and I am delighted to say that Goodrich Bicycles now provide the opportunity to extend myself in ways that reflect fully my experiences as a builder. Here you will find road bikes and sportif all-arounders, long distance randonneuse with custom carriers and constructeur-style design and specialty bikes for cyclocross, track and single speed, and city porteurs. In short, you’ll find the full range of what is possible in custom lugged and filet-brazed bicycles. Have a look at the process page to consider more possibilities and styles and to the gallery page to see more examples of my work.
text from Goodrich's website
nice detail
For those of you who may not be aware of who Curt Goodrich is, he's based out of MPLS, and is one of the most distinguished frame builders going.
Check out his pedigree
I began my apprenticeship building bicycles in 1995 under the watchful eye of Dan Wynn in Seattle. I’d always loved craftsmanship and for a year paid my dues filing, sanding fillets, machining and aligning frames and forks. I was acquiring crucial skills, working hard, and learning by the day. When Matt Houle at the well-established R&E Cycles shop offered me a job, I spent two years TIG-welding and further evolving my skills, though my heart still lay in traditional lugged construction. When I’d heard that Tim Isaac was setting up match bicycle company as a high-end production shop and that our first project would be to build Schwinn Paramounts, I was third to be hired. I had the good fortune to be working with Kirk Pacenti, whose contributions to lug design are now well-known, Steve Hampsten who moved onto his own company with Hampsten Cycles and Cycles Tournesol, and Mark Bulgier, Dan Swanson, and Martin Tweedy, and others. Two years after the Paramount project began, Grant Petersen of Rivendell Bicycle Works approached match bicycles to relieve Rivendell’s long backlog of frame orders. For the next year I built Rivendell frames while Martin Tweedy built forks. But change was in the works: match was closing shop. Ben Serotta, founder of Serotta Competition Bicyles, offered me a position building steel and titanium primarily in TIG-construction and it was then I realized how I felt about building lugged steel designs. I declined Serotta’s generous offer and shortly afterwards Grant Petersen offered me the opportunity to continue building custom Rivendells. I moved my family to Minneapolis to establish my own frame shop and from 2000 until 2007 I built custom lugged steel frames for Rivendell and, when asked privately, the occasional Goodrich frame.
Orders for Goodrich bicycles evolved past my abilities to continue building for Rivendell —and I am delighted to say that Goodrich Bicycles now provide the opportunity to extend myself in ways that reflect fully my experiences as a builder. Here you will find road bikes and sportif all-arounders, long distance randonneuse with custom carriers and constructeur-style design and specialty bikes for cyclocross, track and single speed, and city porteurs. In short, you’ll find the full range of what is possible in custom lugged and filet-brazed bicycles. Have a look at the process page to consider more possibilities and styles and to the gallery page to see more examples of my work.
text from Goodrich's website
September 22, 2010
7D 1000fps
saw this on Prolly, thought I needed to make sure you see it if you haven't.
pretty spectacular
pretty spectacular
7D 1000 fps from Oton Bačar on Vimeo.
September 21, 2010
Crucial Jams
From our friends to the south - and to my good buddy in the north who had no idea what DEATH/BESTIAL DEATH METAL was. Old and new stuff - hope you just love it.
September 20, 2010
September 19, 2010
Off To Vegas
I'll be out all next week. I scheduled a few posts to keep you company.
If you're at the show make sure to stop by and say hello. I'll be in the All-City Booth
Babes in Bikeland Photos & Results
228 Riders
Alicia was the winner
Amy C won the custom Groove
Congrats to the racers, organizers, and city of MPLS.
1 Alicia
2 Lee
3 Greta, Amy C (tie)

B.Ridget and Becca

Family Member Beff

second place finisher
I was at the Stinson/Hennepin stop and was shooting photos of the racers.
All images have been upped to my Flickr
Alicia was the winner
Amy C won the custom Groove
Congrats to the racers, organizers, and city of MPLS.
1 Alicia
2 Lee
3 Greta, Amy C (tie)
B.Ridget and Becca
Family Member Beff
second place finisher
I was at the Stinson/Hennepin stop and was shooting photos of the racers.
All images have been upped to my Flickr
September 18, 2010
Saturday Afternoon
ran some errands downtown and was struck by the amazingness of the fall day. I've been stressed out and sick of work in the run up to Interbike, but days like today remind me of how truly lucky and fortunate I am to be able to live this life.
I like myself better when I'm riding, I like my life better when I'm riding, I like the world better when I'm riding.
I like myself better when I'm riding, I like my life better when I'm riding, I like the world better when I'm riding.
Hot Team Raleighs
After stumbling upon my Team Raleigh post from January. A reader sent in these images of his own stable.
check em out

I can't tell from the photos and don't know enough about Raleighs to tell if they're 531 or 753
check em out
I can't tell from the photos and don't know enough about Raleighs to tell if they're 531 or 753
Babes in Bikeland
Unless you've been living under a rock, you know that today is the annual Babes in Bikeland Alleycat. This is the 4th year for the race, which has now become the largest all female alleycat in the world.

See you at the start and afterparty at Angry Catfish (they've reportedly got four kegs)
This year I did four pieces as part of Bike Jerks sponsorship for the race

See you at the start and afterparty at Angry Catfish (they've reportedly got four kegs)
This year I did four pieces as part of Bike Jerks sponsorship for the race
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