Pretty excited for this one, it should be a big race. Word on the street is that the former single speed cyclocross national champ James LaLonde will be racing as will NYC powerhouse Austin Horse. Which has led me to the decision that I better bring some gears if my out of shape ass is going to hang with these dudes.
I'm also planning on teaching Mark$ter how to post photos, as he is slated to become a regular contributor to this here blog.
If you see me in Milwaukee, say hello! You'll know me by the red rose in my lapel.
as usual, I will also have some merch in tow,namely Hi-five and Metal shirts. hit me up when you see me.
Is it a mummy or a deflated Michelin Man riding the bike in the Milwaukee race advert?
michelin man
its a vegan Michelin man. :P
Cant wait to see you Jeff!
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