*last year's poster (courtesy of Verb)*

So here's the plan, Track or Treat 3 will be held on Friday October 30th. Same deal as last year, Pentagram, fixed gears only, brakes allowed.

I was also thinking about throwing a Fall race series leading up to Track or Treat. The races will be point to point to point with the course known ahead of time (this way I can race too without having an advantage). The idea is simply to get together during the week for a short race and beers afterward. Fixed Gear only. brakes of course allowed. The point system will be similar to the Spring Classics, where you get one point for every rider you beat. Mens' and Women's Categories. I don't know if we'll have a big prize or anything for the series winner, but I bet I can come up with something.
All Races will start in the Warehouse district and we'll plan the next race course at the afterparty.
The first race will take place on Thursday the 8th of October
Fall Fixed Series Race #1 Oct 8'th 9pmStart at the Warehouse district 4th and 6th at 9pm
$5 entry fee (buys beer)
There will be no manifest, all checkpoints will be on your honor
1st stop Touch a wall of the CC Club
2nd stop Touch the Witch's Hat Tower (the tower not the base)
Finish at Jimmy's NE 1828 4th St NE
All you jerks better show up. all you dude's who used to race fixed, all you old fuckers, all you has beens and drunkards, get your fixies out.
See you there, it'll be fun as shit