From Justin: So i was on Stolen bmx's website and saw that they made glow in the dark wheels, and I thought that was rad.... So I got glow in the dark spray paint and painted a white deep V rim with the glow paint Then I took apart two frog light rigged them both with UV led lights 10 mm size bigger and brighter I say... then mounted the lights on the top of my fork, aimed them at the rim, and boooom glow rim... everytime the rim spins by the light it charges the glow paint... buy the custom kit at VS

The thing about glow in the dark is that the effect doesn't last, and Justin's solution of modifying the Frog is ingenious. It seems crazy to me that the small lights would charge the glow paint as it quickly spins by, but I am not a glow-in-the-darkologist, so what do I know. I also do not know if you can really buy the custom kit at VS. but I bet Justin would make you a similar rig if you paid him.
I bought LEDs from a website lately. They had good service (good phone and email support), excellent FAQs so I knew what I needed, very competitive prices, and their shipping was fast and the LEDs were just as advertised. This is an unsolicited recommendation, but I felt they were worth sharing.
huh???????????? random comment???
This is fucking brilliant!!!
I was just thinking about painting some glow in the dark rims but didn't think about the lights!
I'll definitely have to look into that light setup too! It's a great fix for a "front light" if you're into safety and all that, and are more into cars seeing you than having visibility or something. but of course that's totally secondary to having fucking awesome glow in the dark rims!
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