Completed RiverLake Greenway Grand Opening Saturday, June 11
5‐mile dedicated Minneapolis bikeway between Lake Harriet and Mississippi River includes
region’s first bicycle boulevard
The grand opening of the RiverLake Greenway, a 5‐mile dedicated bikeway in Minneapolis between the Mississippi River and Lake Harriet, will be held Saturday, June 11, from 1‐5 p.m., with activities along the length of the Greenway.
The RiverLake Greenway runs east‐to‐west in south Minneapolis, along 40th and 42nd Streets:
Along 42nd Street East, between West River Parkway and Nokomis Avenue
On Nokomis Avenue, from 42nd Street East to 40th Street East
Along 40th Street East, between Nokomis Avenue to Kings Highway and Lake Harriet Parkway
Grand Opening Program – 1 p.m., Minnehaha Academy South Campus (4200 W. River Pkwy.),
featuring the Sabanthanites Drum Corps, and an east‐to‐west bicycle ride for families.
RiverLake Bike Walk Destinations – 1‐5 p.m., destinations along the RiverLake Greenway
hosting check‐ins, where registrants may sign up to win Greenway grand opening prizes.
Youth bicycle decorating, family bicycle parades, youth bike rodeos 2‐3 p.m. at Hiawatha
School Park (4305 E. 42nd St.); 2:30‐3:30 p.m. at Calvary Lutheran Church (3901 Chicago Ave. S.); and 3 to 4 p.m. at Martin Luther King Park (4055 Nicollet Ave. S.)
Sibley Park Celebration – (1900 E. 40th St.) 2‐4 p.m., event concessions, rest area, and booths
representing bicycle shops and bicycle/walking‐related organizations
Event Prize Drawing – (3900 Bryant Ave. S.) 4 p.m., a drawing and prize giveaway
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