had the Benotto out for the first time since last fall yesterday. Nothing rides as smooth as old 1" tubing.
It made me nostalgic for alleycat racing, as this was always my race bike before everyone started pussing out riding gears (myself included). Now days I just don't feel like I can show up to race and try to win on anything but a geared bike. All the other fast dudes are on gears so not to do so is handicapping yourself right out of the gate. I'm thinking maybe this town needs some spring races that are fixed/single only to bring that shit back to good style.
except for Nico, of course. you can bet that "SK After Dark" will be fixed/SS only, whenever he gets around to throwing it.
No "teams" either! That shit is even more annoying. Ride your own damn race god damnit!
But in defense of gears, all the best were riding gears at NACCC in Atlanta.
There's nothing wrong with riding with a partner dude. Its especially fun when you have to sprint against your buddy to the finish line.
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