Picked up the prize bags from Andy over at
Trash Bags yesterday

As if I need to say it: they're fucking awesome. Once more Andy not only took the time and money to create and donate a set of custom works, but he continues to demonstrate his rapid ascension from part time bag maker, to full on ass kicker. They're absolutely perfect for the event.

these are two of his
Wastebasket II models, and are designed with a three 12oz can carrying capacity, a now standard wallet pocket, and a ulock holster

Trash Bags emblem

u lock holster
These will be going to the men's and women's winners of the alleycat tomorrow at Track or Treat, and I just want to take the opportunity to say thank you once more to Andy for supporting the Minneapolis cycling community, and to encourage all of you who may need a bag in the future to check out
Trash Bags. If you're local, you're supporting the hometown kid, and if you're from out of town you'll be getting a great deal on a handmade bag from a working messenger, that few in your area will own or even know about. I'm sure you're friends will think you're real cool.
B.Ridget also picked up her own custom hip pouch a Wastebasket I model, with a volume of approx two cans

All the racers at Babes in Bikeland received a $5 coupon off a hip pouch and this is the color scheme she picked out.
in case you're wondering about the size difference between the Wastebasket I and the Wastebasket II here you go