November 17, 2009

Cycling Legs - it's okay to look

I was reading Cycling Inquisition yesterday and Lucho made a comment about George Hincapie's left leg being super gnarly so I did a google search and stumbled upon this post on Cozy Beehive on cycliing legs. If you have the time you should check it out

(I especially like the following quote so I will post it now even though it's irrelevant to this post, which is all about gawking at cyclist's legs)

"It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who are willing to endure pain with patience."

- Julius Caesar

Anyway, that post got me interested in gnarly dude's legs (super homoerotic, I know, but c'mon you ever seen Chris Hoy's thighs, they're fucking crazy. So I present to you, pictures of dude's legs.


is this real?

363701720_957534bcfd[1]Chris Hoy legs[1]

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