From Emily down in Chicago:
I'm a student at DePaul University and over Christmas break, I got my bike stolen. It was locked up outside of my residence hall and thief cut both my hard lock and my cord lock. The bike is a brand new black Globe Work, serial number WSBC602100683G, and I'm absolutely dying to get it back.
If you see it please let us know.
im a messenger in chicago, ill keep my eyes open and dole out some u-lock justice if i get the chance
Over CHRISTMAS BREAK!? I'm really sorry to say it, but that bike is long gone.
If your bike has been stoles, then thief may do 1 action from 2. Either he has sold its parts or sold whole bike after paint and some minor changes. You have to buy a new bike with a good bike lock. So try to find out some good brand bike lock from any good company like riderwear.net
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